
This kit is whole lotta merry and a little scary! Learn about the Krampus, which is a horned, scary figure who, in folklore, is said to accompany Saint Nicholas on visits to children during the night of December 5th (which is also known as Krampusnacht or “Krampus Night”). This tradition states that Santa or Saint Nicholas rewards well-behaved children with presents, while Krampus punishes the brats with birch rods or sometimes put them in a bag and takes them away. 

Celebrate Krampus on the evening of December 5th with your friends and enjoy the themes kit which features two “Nice (an off-dry and a medium-sweet)” white wines, which are German Kabinett and Spatlese Rieslings and two “Naughty (and off-dry and a dry)” California Blends. Discover dark holiday food pairing suggestions, too. Encourage your guests to wear their ugliest Holiday sweater!

Included in the kit are the following documents:

1) Event Image for advertising and inviting guests

2) Guest invitation list

3) Event preparation instructions for host

4) Event shopping list

5) Guest nametag template

6) “Did You Know?” wine educational document

7) Themed tasting placemat

8) Wine bottle tags

9) Wine tasting guide

10) Group overall wine scorecard

11) Themed game, activity or recipe

*Note that wines do not come with the kit and must be purchased separately.

*Individuals must be 21 years of age or older to attend, purchase and consume alcoholic beverages.

*Contact My Wine Witch for customizable tasting placemats and kits for your specific wines and brands.

